Monday, April 20, 2009

rolling along

Classes are finally getting into full swing! ...And I am totally confused at all times. Our schedules have finally been more or less decided, but it's a totally different dynamic in almost every class we teach. (Excepting certain junior high classes, which are thankfully still headed by the indomitable Nakatani-sensei.)

But not to worry, I'm slowly getting a handle on things. It helps that I now have the schedule in writing.

Last week we had club introductions. All the new students were gathered in our mini-gym, and then every single club at the school gave a short presentation to entice new members. It was a pretty charming experience, and I couldn't help but have a running list in my head of which clubs I would join if I could. The HS girls' soft tennis club was hilarious, for one -- their attempt to demonstrate volleys really just resulted in a lot of their own members cowering and shrieking, a near constant chorus of "FAITO!" and one stray tennis ball that got tangled in some window blinds near the ceiling. The brass band was also charming, playing a rendition of Dreamgirls with fully choreographed dance moves. Plus, the adorable Kaneshiro-sensei briefly marched around with them, playing his trumpet. (So cute, ha ha ha!)

Of course, some clubs were legitimately cool. Imagine my surprise, for example, when the JH girls' basketball team did a demonstration, and the shortest little girl on the team was suddenly dribbling between her moving legs like a pro. It was like a little Japanese Mugsy Bogues, or something! And there's some kind of dance club that involves fans and katanas, which was altogether pretty sweet. (Even when one girl hit herself in the head with a spear, bless her heart!)

Last Friday, in the midst of an already (and unexpectedly) chaotic afternoon, Kristin and I also had to go get chest x-rays in this little portable clinic that had parked itself on campus. The look on the poor young doctor's face when the two of us stepped inside was pretty humorous -- it clearly said, "Oh no, foreigners! I'm going to have to use English! Help!" But we understood enough of his Japanese to get by with the help of gestures.

My weekends have been mostly just shopping and hanging out with friends, with a little more flower viewing thrown in. But already the cherry blossoms have done and gone for the year, so I guess that's that!

The most exciting thing going on right now is probably this super adventure that Fig and I have been planning. (And by that, I mostly mean Fig.) You see, there's something called Golden Week coming up, which is three national holidays in a row, making for a five-day weekend. It is the most, the MOST popular time for traveling in Japan. No kidding. It's going to be crazy! (Especially living in Kyoto!)

So Fig and I are taking advantage of the days off to take a trip. In fact, we're taking a great big 11-day MONGOLIA!

It happened really suddenly. Apparently, Fig just up and decided she wanted to go, and I was lucky enough to be invited along. To make a long story short, it essentially went something like this:

Fig: I'm going to Mongolia.
Anna: Mongolia, huh?
Fig: Yeah. Do you want to come?
Anna: Sure. ...What's in Mongolia?

Evidently, there will be markets and museums and horses and yurts.

Especially yurts.


Eric Shonkwiler said...

I've wanted to see Mongolia since reading Wind-Up Bird. Let me know how it is.

Annabelle said...

Gad, but you're prompt on the reply, sirrah!

In any case, will do. :)

Guy Incognito said...

So listen, there's this factory near China, actually,the ShanXi province; just a little south of the Ningxia hui Autonomous Region( of Mongolia). This factory is one of several in China which manufacturers a product I've been wanting for some time. The company name is "GenSci", and the product I want you to buy is a little vial with a blue-top containing some white powder. Buy about 200 of these,pack them discreetly into a box(preferably inside some hollowed out souvenir),and mail them to me. I will then wire transfer you the money you spent.

Or, if you don't want to do that, just look out for Genghis Khan. I hear he's kind of a dick.

Annabelle said...

Yeah, I think I might be disappointed if I don't see at least one Mongol horde.

Katie K said...

Japanese high school clubs!
