Tuesday, January 27, 2009

it's official

So, I know my last post is only a few hours old (and probably no one has even read it yet), but I mentioned that Kristin's recontracting decision was due today, because she is a third-year, and they have different procedures. Well, word is in: she's heading back to Canada and/or parts unknown.

"And why do we care?" you might be asking. Well, let's consider this my official announcement, as well.

I'm staying another year.

I'd mentioned it to a few people already as a likely possibility, and even though my paperwork is not quite due (another week yet), I feel certain of my decision. There is still much I haven't seen or done, and a lot I want to learn. Plus, most of my students are adorable, and my coworkers fantastic. I can't step away just yet.

So, how is all this connected? With Kristin leaving, it means I'll probably have a new coworker next year, should they choose to fill her position. I'm at once curious and nervous. I like Kristin fine, now that we've sort of established an equilibrium, but it would be nice to work with someone I connected a little more with. On the other hand, Kristin is really efficient and good at her job. It'll be tough for a newbie to fill her shoes. Ack, come August, I'm suddenly going to be the senpai!

My South African neighbor, Nelis, is also leaving. Somehow, he swung some weird job offer in Canada, to go be part of an extreme martial arts team...? I wish him all the best, because he really is quite a nice guy. As things stand now, I somehow don't see him that much, even though we live maybe fifty meters apart at most. So, I'm (not so) secretly hoping that my next neighbor JET will be someone I can hang out with on a more regular basis. Weeknights can get pretty slow in Sonobe, I must say.

In short, I'm already eagerly anticipating the next year. As the Japanese say, tanoshimi!

senpai / kohai: Japanese terms for the senior and junior in a relationship, be it at work or in school. This relationship dynamic often carries on far through life, so that your senpai or kohai technically remains so forever, even after you part ways.


Eric Shonkwiler said...

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself enough to want to stay, though America misses you. Also, I'm glad you're reading Murakami. Pretty great, isn't he?

All Is On said...

You've always been my senpai!