Friday, September 19, 2008

It is Saturday.

Therefore, I shouldn't even be awake yet. But today we have classes for a thing called "Open School," basically like an open house enticing people to enroll here next year, so I must be here. All day. XP

On the upside, there was a whole mob of my students walking along across the street from me on the way to school today, and when I turned to wish them good morning (in English, of course), they shrieked in excitement like I was a rock star. Thank you, girls. Maybe I'll be okay, after all. :)


All Is On said...

You ARE a rock star. I doubt you remember this, but one time when I was a wee little freshie you'd gotten out on the senior bell for lunch and walked by my math class. You popped in to say hello and this girl started freaking out and was like "oh my gawd, isn't she on MTV?"

Guy Incognito said...

Your ass is salaried, babe. They own you now; nights, weekends, holidays, and annual bonanzas.

All you can do is just begrudgingly accept it, go in, and do your job REALLY half-assed...THAT's the American way.

Annabelle said...

Allison: You're right, I didn't remember that, but I am altogether too tickled by that story. Oh my gawd, I AM on MTV! XDDDD

Tee hee.